Craniosacral therapy in the center of Zurich

Craniosacral therapy is a holistic method that supports the body in its self-healing process and promotes well-being. Whether you want to address specific health challenges or simply improve your general wellbeing, craniosacral therapy offers a valuable complement to conventional medical treatments.

What is craniosacral therapy?

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, manual treatment method of complementary therapy that treats the craniosacral system of the body. This system includes the bones of the skull (cranium), the spine up to the sacrum and the central nervous system. Light touches all over the body release tension and support the body's natural ability to heal. The therapy promotes well-being and can help with various chronic complaints and stress.

The procedure of a typical session

Each person is unique, and therefore no two sessions are alike.


1. Welcome & Anamnesis

At the beginning of each session, I take the time to talk with you in detail. I want to understand your health concerns, previous treatments, and goals for craniosacral therapy. This information allows me to tailor the treatment to your individual needs.


2. Treatment

After the consultation, you will make yourself comfortable on a treatment table. You will remain clothed throughout the session. Blankets and a warming pad are available if needed. The treatment can also take place while sitting, standing, walking, or, in the case of children, playfully on the floor.

I gently touch your body to connect with different body systems and the craniosacral rhythm. I feel the rhythmic movements of your craniosacral system and identify blockages or tensions. These are released using targeted, minimally invasive techniques to harmonize the energy flow in your body. During the treatment, I may ask about your feelings and experiences. There may also be moments of silence to help your body activate its self-healing powers and find resources.


3. Integration and Follow-up Discussion

In the final discussion after the treatment, you will have the opportunity to share your perceptions and feelings. Together, we will discuss how you can integrate the insights and changes you have gained into your everyday life.


What Can You Expect?

Craniosacral therapy is a deeply relaxing and healing experience for many people. It can be helpful for various conditions such as chronic pain, stress, sleep disorders, migraines, and tension. Some clients report immediate improvements, while others experience gradual relief of their symptoms. This is very individual and also depends on your desire for change.

How Long Does It Take for the Treatment(s) to Take Effect?

Experience shows that noticeable changes typically occur after 3 to 6 treatments. Ideally, sessions should be spaced 2 to 3 weeks apart, or weekly in acute cases.

Who Is Craniosacral Therapy Suitable For?

Craniosacral therapy is suitable for individuals of all ages, from newborns to seniors. This gentle and effective method can address a variety of complaints and symptoms, including:

  • Chronic pain

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Back pain

  • Stress and exhaustion

  • Sleep disorders

  • Trauma and emotional stress

  • Temporomandibular joint issues (e.g., teeth grinding)

  • Concentration problems

  • ADD and ADHD

  • Autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

  • Long Covid 

  • Tinnitus

  • Birth preparation and support during pregnancy

  • Postnatal support

  • Infant and child treatments (e.g., colic, excessive crying, adjustment difficulties)

  • Neurological disorders (e.g., multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease)

  • Immune system support

  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Sports injuries

  • Anxiety and panic attacks

In Cooperation with Conventional Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy Can Supportively Affect the Following Conditions:

  • Orthodontic treatments (e.g., braces and various dental procedures)

  • Burnout

  • Depression

  • Before and after surgical procedures

  • Before, during, and after cancer therapy

  • Rehabilitation following strokes

  • Chronic diseases (e.g., arthritis, lupus, autoimmune disorders)

  • Asthma and respiratory conditions

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • Diabetes

  • Migraine and tension headaches

  • Palliative care

  • Was meine Klient*Innen sagen

    Seraina geht wunderbar darauf ein, was mensch zur jeweiligen Behandlung gerade mitbringt. So finden nicht nur aktuelle Beschwerden ihren Platz, sondern auch postive körperliche und emotionale Empfindungen werden bestärkt.


  • Was meine Klient*Innen sagen

    Warmherzig, Kompetent und Einfühlsam.Die Behandlungen bei Sereina haben eine tiefe und entspannende Wirkung. Sehr zu empfehlen :)


  • Was meine Klient*Innen sagen

    Bei Seraina haben sich mein Kind und ich sofort wohl und gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Serainas Art ist sehr einfühlsam, empathisch und vertrauenserweckend. So fiel es uns beiden leicht, uns Seraina gegenüber im Gespräch zu öffnen. Mein Kind empfand die Behandlung als sehr angenehm und hilfreich, um zur Ruhe zu kommen und dadurch Kraft zu tanken. Auch die Gespräche mit Seraina hat es geschätzt. Ich finde es besonders, wie Seraina auf Kinder eingeht.


  • Was meine Klient*Innen sagen

    Seraina Schmitt kann ich einfach nur empfehlen. Sie ist vertrauenswürdig, sehr angenehm als Person und professionell. Sie ist aufmerksam, berührt und spürt, stösst Prozesse an und begleitet diese auch. Ich gehe seit einiger Zeit zu ihr in die Behandlung und fühle mich bei ihr aufgehoben und in sehr guten Händen. Einfach nur empfehlenswert. Danke!